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  • Coach Kat

Appreciate your Journey

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

What are you envisaging happening in this area of your life when you have successfully reached your chosen target? What will you be doing? What will you be thinking? These are some of the questions that I like to ask my clients during our coaching sessions. By looking at the bigger picture and describing what we see in our imagination then we can start to move those visions into goals. We can start to breakdown our ultimate goals into smaller ones so that they no longer seem overwhelming and instead become within our grasp.

In order to be successful we have to first become aware and understand what it is we are looking to create. Identifying our goals provides direction and focus, which then enables us to instigate and implement the changes that we desire to make. Nevertheless, how many of us become off put by the term ‘goal’? How many of us don’t even put our toe in the arena because of the barriers that we create in our minds or because we see challenges from a defeatist perspective rather than a winner’s? How many of us find committing to what we desire daunting rather than exciting?

The art of goal setting is about stretching yourself and learning to grow whatever the odds. To me, goals are objectives, aims, or projects that I want to be successful in; they are there to empower me to create the changes of my choosing. Goals enable me to focus and become disciplined enough to reach my ideals. However, the art to success is working out your journey so that it becomes manageable and doable for you; it is your path to sculpt. It is about breaking the ideal outcome down into parts, steps, or a series of actions so that you design the best possible strategy for yourself to succeed. It is about making a commitment to following through with your plan of action in spite of adversity that you may face.

You might be thinking, well life just isn’t that easy, and you would be right. It isn’t always easy. Sometimes it is rough, tough, and challenging but if you succeed and continue forward then you will find and devise ways to reach your goals or desired outcomes; you will start to program your mind to find success and therefore achieve successful results. One of the ways to do this is to invest the time in thinking and talking about how to break your ultimate goal into phases, steps or chapters and create a number of small realistic action plans that will enable and support you in your progression. Looking at your goals in stages empowers you to generate your own momentum and celebrate the triumphs from your action plans along the way. You need to appreciate each phase of your journey and take the time to celebrate each achievement.

Here is the key, if you don’t start then how will you finish? If you don’t take an active step then how will you move toward that dream? If you allow the idea of failure to hold you back, where will you be in a month or a year or five years? You will need to acquire knowledge, you will need to gain experience, you will need to believe in the possibility of possibility. How about if you eradicated failure from your thought process and saw experience as information to learn from? Experience can be viewed as a positive, negative or a type of energy that is neutral; we choose how we view our past experiences. Those life experiences you have had, and we all have something, provide us with knowledge that either we didn’t have before or which we already knew, but we needed to have reinforced. Sometimes we know what we know but we need another experience to truly grasp the concept; that is how we develop. You can’t develop if you don’t take an active part and become the main player in your life; taking action to build the future that you believe and know that you can have.

To continuously take action, we need to have clarity about what it is we want to change and create. By being clear about our ultimate goals and the benefits that we will experience when they come into fruition, we can set ourselves mini-objectives to help keep us stay on course. Those smaller goals are so important and immensely powerful when they are achieved or when they provide us with unexpected opportunities. Who does not feel a sense elation when they have completed a task that has enabled them to progress? Who does not feel as though they are on top of the world when they have exceeded their own expectations? Who does not feel a sense of accomplishment when they have excelled? Who does not feel joy when they have overcome obstacles which once upon a time seemed insurmountable? When we acknowledge our progress and appreciate our growth then we have the power to keep achieving; no challenge can stop us because we have generated the momentum to continue. We just need to give ourselves the best possible chances to succeed. We need to momentarily pause and celebrate our milestones and our unique growth. We need to adapt, when required, to new discoveries and knowledge so that we appreciate the diversity of life and use it to continue forward to make our dreams our realities.

Celebrate who you are and how far you have come; appreciate that exquisite energy that you bring to the world and burn bright for everyone to see.

Coach Kat

(c) Katrina Ramsden

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